

The α-amylase enzyme, sourced from diverse organisms, including plants, animals, and bacteria, plays a crucial role in multiple industries, notably food processing sectors like cakes, fruit juices, and starch syrup. Research identifies thermophilic organisms as prime sources of this enzyme thriving at temperatures ranging from 41°C to 122°C. The enzyme purification was carried out using liquid-liquid extraction, which involved the exchange of substances between two liquid phases that were immiscible or partially soluble. The optimal temperature for α-amylase was 45 to 90°C. The best pH for bacterial and fungal α-amylases ranged from 5.0 to 10.5 and 5.0 to 9.0. Based on industrial application, de-sizing, scouring, stone washing, bleaching, dying, printing, and polishing were all processes that used α-amylase in the textile industry's finishing phase. The paper business also used α-amylase to modify coated paper starch, while the soap industry applied it to boost the detergency of laundry bleaching compositions and bleach without color darkening. This review underscores the potential of thermostable α-amylase enzymes from thermophilic microorganisms, highlighting their unique high-temperature tolerance properties and broad applicability in food sectors, textiles, paper production, and soap manufacturing.

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