

In the global experience, intelligent transport systems (ITS) are recognized as a general transport ideology for integrating the achievements of telematics in all types of transport activities to solve economic and social problems: reducing accidents, improving the efficiency of public transport and cargo transportation, ensuring overall transport security, and improving environmental performance. Considering the design features of the intelligent transport system (ITS), there is a need to develop requirements for the functional and physical architecture as the main part of the ITS development. The creation of functional and physical architecture touches upon issues such as: the scheme of interaction between subjects and objects of ITS proceeding from the requirements and interests of the customer; the definition of the interaction functions of individual elements and subsystems; structure of software, hardware of information and telecommunication technologies; places and methods of installing such systems; interaction and placement of the ITS element base. In this paper, we offer an overview of the main features of ITS design, and the identification of general regularities in the process of their design.

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