Volume 5, Issue 4 (2019)
Editorial Board
Research Papers
Stereo Photogrammetry vs Computed Tomography for 3D Medical Measurements
Doaa Awda Hussien, Fanar M. Abed, and Alauldeen A. Hasan
Evaluation of Atmospherically Gases Using Models FLAASH and QUAC to Hyper-spectral imagery
Asmaa Maher
Performance Study Of The Membrane Based Layered Double Hydroxides ‘ZnAl-Gh’ In The Purification Of Groundwater
Jaouad Zerhouni, Omar Qabaqous, Fouzia Rhazi Filali, Mohammed Naciri Bennani, and Najib Tijani
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Solving Fuzzy Multi-Objective Bed Allocation Model
Abdulhakeem Luqman Hasan
Interaction between Fusarium Head Blight and Crown Rot Disease Incidence and Environmental Factors and Soil Physiochemical Analysis on Wheat in the South of Iraq, Basra Province
Mohammed Hussein Minati Dr. and Mohanad Khalaf Mohammed-ameen Dr.
Design of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams using Particle Swarm Optimization Technique
Qais F. Hasan, Dler A. Al-Mamany, and Omer K. Fayadh
Estimation of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) of Antimicrobial peptides of Saccharomyces boulardii against Selected Pathogenic Strains
Venkateswarulu T.C, Krupanidhi Srirama, Indira Mikkili, Nazneen Bobby Md., John Babu Dulla, Venkata Narayana Alugunulla, Dasari Sweety, and Abraham Peele Karlapudi
Effect of Incorporating Pottery and Bottom Ash as Partial Replacement of Cement
Bassam A. Tayeh, Doha M. AlSaffar, Lawend K. Askar, and Asmahan Issa Jubeh
Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Anacyclus pyrethrum Link plant extracts and their Antioxidant activity
Hanane Elazzouzi, Nadia Zekri, Touriya Zair, and Mohamed Alaoui El Belghiti