

Energy efficiency is the main prerequisite for the permanent and reliable operation of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Clustering techniques are designed to build energy-efficient networks that enhance network lifetime. Clustering poses certain challenges that directly affect the network performance such as the cluster head selection and routing process. This paper proposes an approach called Clustering and Neighbouring technique Based Energy-Efficient Routing (CNBEER). The CNBEER approach utilises the clustering algorithm and neighbouring technique to prolong the network lifetime by reducing its total energy consumption. The clustering method divides a network into equal-sized clusters to mitigate inessential energy consumption. Moreover, the clustering algorithm selects a cluster head based on the G function which considers the current energy and position of the nodes of a base station. The cluster head changes dynamically depending on the G value to ensure that the energy consumed at the sensor nodes remains at an approximately equal rate. The CNBEER approach uses the neighbouring technique to discover the best multihop path to the base station. The performance of the proposed approach achieved improvement in the concept of residual energy and network lifetime compared with existing protocols.

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