

In the past decades, many quantum algorithms have been developed. The main obstacle that prevents the widespread implementation of these algorithms is the small size of the available quantum computer in terms of qubits. Blind Quantum Computation (BQC) holds the promise of handling this issue by delegating computation to quantum remote devices. Here, we introduce a novel Constrained Quantum Genetic Algorithm (CQGA) that selects the optimum extreme (minimum or maximum) value of a constrained goal function (or a vast unsorted database) with very low computational complexity. Since the convergence speed to the optimal solution for the Constrained Classical Genetic Algorithm (CCGA) is highly dependent on the level of quality of the initially selected potential solutions, the CCGA's heuristic initialization stage is replaced by a quantum one. This is achieved by exploiting the strengths of the Constrained Quantum Optimization Algorithm (CQOA) and the BQC. The proposed CQGA is applied as an embedded computational infrastructure for the uplink multi-cell massive MIMO system. The algorithm maximizes the energy efficiency (EE) of the uplink massive MIMO while considering different users target bit rate classes. Simulation results show that the suggested CQGA maximizes energy efficiency through careful computation of the optimal transmit power for each active user using fewer computational steps than the CCGA. We demonstrated that when the overall transmit power set or the overall number of active users increases, the CQGA keeps executing a smaller number of generation steps compared to the CCGA. For instance, if we consider a scenario where the overall number of active users () is set to 18, the CQGA finds the optimal solution with a smaller number of generation steps equal to 6, while the CCGA takes a larger number of generation steps, reaching 65.

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