Volume 9, Issue 1 (2023)
Research Papers
Influence of synthesis conditions on the physicochemical and electrocatalytic properties of non-stoichiometric Ba2Sr2La2Ti4O12 perovskites
Ofeliya Kostadinova, Iliyan Popov, Simeon M. Stankov, Hristo Kolev, and Tamara Petkov
Fano-type resonance structures based on combination of fiber Bragg grating with Fabry-Perot interferometer
A.Zh. Sakhabutdinov, T.A. Agliullin, S.M.R.H. Hussein, A.A. Kuznetsov, V.I. Anfinogentov, and B.I. Valeev
SMATS: Single and Multi Automatic Text Summarization
Siba Prasad Patil and Rasmita Rautray
Content-Based Image Retrieval System using Color Moment and Bag of Visual Words with Local Binary Pattern
Rasha Q. Hassan, Zainab N. Sultani, and Ban N. Dhannoon
Electrochemically Synthesized Biogenic Silver Nanoparticles Using Green Tea Extract as a Promising Antioxidant
Dhony Hermanto, Nurul Ismillayli, Irmawanti Irmawanti, Ilfa Fathulloh, Diska Nila, Ulul Khairi Zuryati, Handa Muliasari, and Rahadi Wirawan
Biofunctionalization of polyetheretherketone implant material by bone-forming peptide-2 immobilization
Mustafa S. Tukmachi, Hikmat J. Abdul-Baqi, and Falah H. Hussein
Expanding Potential Dental Applications of Glass Ionomer Cement by Incorporating with Nano-Hydroxyapatite
Kifayah K. Thbayh, Rafid M. AlBadr, Kareema M. Ziadan, and Béla Fiser
Data Integration Based Human Activity Recognition using Deep Learning Models
Basamma Umesh Patil, D V Ashoka, and Ajay Prakash B. V
Green synthesis of copper nanoparticles using strawberry leaves and study of properties, anti-cancer action, and activity against bacteria isolated from Covid-19 patients
Arshad Mahdi Hamad, Qanat Mahmood Atiyea, Duaa N. Abdul Hameed, and Adil Hussein Dalaf
Forecasting Quality of Service (QoS) Parameters of IoT based Web Services with an Artificial Electric Field Algorithm trained Artificial Neural Network
Stitapragyan Lenka, Sateesh Kumar Pradhan, Samaleswari Prasad Nayak, and Sarat Chandra Nayak
A novel insect and pest identification model based on a weighted multipath convolutional neural network and generative adversarial network
Vinita Abhishek Gupta, M.V. Padmavati, Ravi R. Saxena, and Raunak Kumar Tamrakar
Review Article
State of the Art in Drivers’ Attention Monitoring – A Systematic Literature Review
Sama Hussein Al-Gburi, Kanar Alaa Al-Sammak, Ion Marghescu, and Claudia Cristina Oprea
Using Ensemble Techniques Based on Machine and Deep Learning for Solving Intrusion Detection Problems: A Survey
Hadeel Qasem Gheni and Wathiq Laftah Al-Yaseen