Most Recent Additions
An Effective Secure Multi-Objective Task Scheduling Algorithm in Multi-Cloud Environment
V K S K Sai Vadapalli, Ramesh Babu Gurujukota, Phaneendra Varma Chintalapati, Satyanarayana Murty, G. Sai Chaitanya Kumar, and Satish Kumar Kode
Immuno-Bioinformatics Study of Secondary Metabolites from Watercress Nasturtium officinale as Immunostimulant in Whiteleg Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei by Targeting Peroxinectin and Scavenger Receptor Class B
Qurrota A’yunin, Muhaimin Rifa’i, Maftuch Maftuch, Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, Muhammad Hermawan Widyananda, Triyanto Triyanto, and Muhammad Tegar Handrianto
Chemistry of Metalloguanines: An Overview of Their Synthesis Routes and Their Implementations for the Period 2000-2024
Farah Saadoon Jaafar and Mahasin F. Alias
Classifying Items with the Rating Values 3 Using Text Reviews to Improve the Recommendation Accuracy in the Collaborative Filtering Approach
Ali Mohsin Ahmed Al-Sabaawi, Mohsin Hasan Hussein, and Muyassar Dalli
Computational Investigation of the Unveils NSD2 Inhibition Potential of Berberis vulgaris, Sambucus nigra, and Morus alba through Virtual Screening, Molecular Docking, MD Simulation, and DFT Analyses
Supriyo Saha, Vanshita Gupta, Ahad Hossain, Prinsa Prinsa, Jannatul Ferdous, Kiran Bharat Lokhande, Vikash Jakhmola, and Sarkar M. A. Kawsar
Evaluation of Green Tea Yoghurt Enriched with Lacticaseibacillus paracasei E1 Microcapsules on Macrophage M1 Profile in High Fat-Fructose Diet Mice
Esha Ardiansyah, Nur Alfi Maghfirotus Sa’adah, Rahmi Izati, Belinda Nabiila Al Faizah, Dawama Nur Fadlilah, Septhyanti Aprilia Kavitarna, Mochammad Fitri Atho’illah, Siti Nur Arifah, Yoga Dwi Jatmiko, and Muhaimin Rifa’i
Development and characterization of Sodium alginate-based active edible films functionalized with Olive Mill Wastewater Extract
Nassima HADRI, Mohamed Didi OULD EL-HADJ, Zineb MAHCENE, Fatih BOZKURT, Rusen Metin YILDIRIM, Youcef RAHMANI, Aicha TEDJANI, and Muhammet ARICI
Muramyl peptide blend ameliorates intestinal inflammation and barrier integrity in Caco-2 cells
Dmytro M. Masiuk, Victor S. Nedzvetsky, and Giyasettin Baydas
Optimization of The Starch Chitosan-based Flocculant Crosslinked by Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate on Removing Dypro 19 Textile Dye from Wastewater
Asep Nurohmat Majalis, Putri Ramadhani, Hendris Hendarsyah Kurniawan, Axel Dimaz Sanusi Pasaribu, Hafiizh Prasetia, Fitri Yuliani, Andreas Andreas, and Hartati Hartati
Breast Cancer Area Identification in Mammograms Using Expectation Maximization Gaussian Mixture Model
Rizki Khoirun Nisa, Dian Kurniasari, Favorisen R. Lumbanraja, and Warsono Warsono
Effect of temperature and rhenium content in precipitates on dispersion hardening of tungsten
Yulia R. Sharapova, Arseny M. Kazakov, Elena A. Korznikova, Alexandr Zinovev, Dmitry Terentyev, and Sergey V. Dmitriev
Gauss-Lobatto Method for Nuclear Reactivity Calculation
Daniel Suescún-Díaz, Luis E. Cardoso-Páez, and Diego Peña-Lara
Exfoliated Hydrotalcite-Transition Metal Complex Composite for Eco-Friendly and Efficient Catalytic Degradation of 4-Nitrophenol
Sidra Khan, Najma Memon, Saima Q. Memon, and Yilmaz Yurekli
Impact of Weather Systems on UAV Parameters Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Saif Aljuhaishi, Yaseen K. Al-Timimi, and Basim I. Wahab
Study on the seasonal endobacterial profile of Avicennia officinalis, focusing on core bacterial consortia within mangrove pneumatophores
Devi R R and Vinod Prabhakar
Comparison of Efficient Deep Learning Architectures for Lactobacillus Species Identification
Dea Aisyah Rusmawati, Ishak Ariawan, and Afrinal Firmanda
Classification Manner Utilizing Electroencephalography Signals to Investigate Waveforms
Wessam Al-Salman, Ali Basim Al-Khafaji, and Mishall Al-Zubaidie
Bacterial Cellulose Production from Fermented Fruits and Vegetables Byproducts: A Comprehensive Study on Chemical and Morphological Properties
Yati Maryati, Hakiki Melanie, Windri Handayani, and Yasman Yasman
Metabolite Profiling of Potential Fraction from Ethyl Acetate Extract of Ziziphus mauritiana Leaves by LC-MS/MS Analysis
Nurhayati Bialangi, Weny JA Musa, and Boima Situmeang
*Updated as of 02/07/25.